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Foxit eSlick Firmware update is Now Available

Fremont, Calif. - May 03, 2009 – Foxit is pleased to announce that the Foxit eSlick firmware update package is now available and would like you to install the update immediately on your eSlick by clicking here. This update includes performance enhancements and minor bug fixes listed below.

Bug Fixes

Cannot save the last viewing settings on a document when the power is turned off.
The slow speed when rendering txt files.
Some of the MP3 files are displayed twice in category “Music".
Cannot refresh the list of the “Music” category when inserting the SD card again.
The error message “File corrupted” shows up randomly after it shows up for the real error file for the first time.
Power leak after full charging and the USB cable is still connected.

Foxit strongly receommends that you update your firmware even if you have not experienced the problem that the eSlick device while in standby mode begins draining the battery after being fully charged (usually after 5 hours of continuous charging). Foxit has made this update installation as simple and intuitive as possible allowing you to do it yourself via the website. All you need to do is to follow the Foxit eSlick software update wizard to complete the installation.
If you are uncomfortable or have concerns about installing the firmware update yourself, you can return it to Foxit and we will install it for you. Please feel free to contact us anytime if you have any concern. Customer satisfaction is always our top priority.

To download the eSlick software update package, please click here.

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